Affordable pricing for online product registrations.
PRO usage fees vary by state, based on ShipCompliant’s costs of doing business. See FAQs below regarding state registration fees (which are not included in PRO usage fees).
Per-Label Fees by State
- Alabama: Free
- Arkansas: $5
- Colorado: $10
- Hawaii: Free
- Illinois: Free
- Iowa: Free
- Kentucky: Free
- Louisiana: $5
- Minnesota: $5
- New Mexico: $5
- New York: $10
- Ohio: $5
- Oklahoma: $5
- South Carolina: $5
- South Dakota: $5
- Washington: Free
Q: How much does it cost to use PRO?
A: The usage fee for PRO varies from free to $5 or $10 per label submitted, depending on the state. See above for specific fees by state.Q: Do PRO fees include state registration fees?
A: No. State registration fees vary from state to state. PRO will collect the state fees on your behalf and automatically submit them to the state.Q: Do I get a refund if my registration is not accepted by the state?
A: A refund will be made to your account if your registration is rejected by a state. However per New York state law, if a new registration is rejected for any reason, then 25% if the initial state fee will be remitted to the state (75% refund). In Ohio, refunds will be handled directly by the Ohio Department of Commerce.Q: Why can I only pay via ACH for my New York registrations?
A: Due to New York state law, specific to the State Liquor Authority (SLA), credit card fees cannot be charged. If you are unable to pay via ACH (electronic check), you may submit a paper registration and send a check directly to the NY SLA.